Why i’m considering using linkedIn less..

Mark Robinson
2 min readSep 24, 2020
Photo by inlytics • LinkedIn Analytics Tool on Unsplash

I’m conflicted.

On the one hand, LinkedIn is great for networking and job searching, but on the other hand, LinkedIn is a social network. Many times I have tried to commit coming off social media as it seems like the healthy thing to do. However, during a time of the pandemic, Brexit and social movements, it’s tough not to be on it.

It is a known fact social media has caused a rise in depression, instant gratification and addiction. After going down the rabbit hole of why we should be more aware of how to use social media, what data we choose to share, and how overindulging can ruin our dopamine level, I am now at an impasse on whether LinkedIn is healthy for me. I enjoy reading the posts related to my industry about how people are changing the game with innovation, finding their dream jobs and sharing their experiences, but what I don’t like is seeing other people success stories. I know that sounds selfish of me, but know that I applaud the hard work people have put in, I want people to succeed in what they do. On the flip side, I see posts from recruiters shouting we hired someone with no experience it was the best decision we ever made and this leaves me feeling confused, disheartened but yet happy for the person who got hired.

Since June, my LinkedIn usage has been at an all-time high, posting articles , sharing projects and networking to get my name out there, which I encourage everyone to do. But growing up in a time where instant gratification is normal for my generation and, where all we see is success stories, I start to wonder “where is my success story”. Is the work I am putting in to better myself and my career success paying off?

Two Questions I must now ask myself:

  • How can I healthily use LinkedIn?
  • Am I taking the best possible route which leads to success?

And three things I must understand:

  • Nothing good comes from comparing yourself to others.
  • Recruiters are doing their job.
  • Social media can be used as a tool.

